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Week Eight
12th-17th November 2006

Deadline week. Ouch. Well here's the finished (almost) site in all its glory.
Come to Cardiff Bay

It was a late night effort on the Friday to get the content into the site ready for the meeting with sequence at 9am Friday, but it was worth the effort. Phil from sequence seemed quite impressed with mine and Shamim's efforts especially considering the time frame we had. There were a few elements that I would have liked to have implemented, such as a language selector and a Bay Directory, however we simply ran out of time to attempt these. I've learned a lot from this Brief particularly about time management and working within a team structure. Also the fact that we were learning as we worked within a strict time limit was reflective of a real-world environment.

Also due in on Friday was the dreaded Mock-up. Thankfully I was able to get to grips with Illustrator to the extent that I could draw some (shoddy) characters and maps. I quite like the concept of the game, and the central character, Billy Blaze, is a legend harking back to the early 90's gaming. You can't beat a bit of retro. I've uploaded the powerpoint file in case anyone wants to take a peek.
Lunchhour Mockup

So next week is a bit more chilled out, with some debriefing and sound design easing us out of the stress of this week. Marvelous.