Friday, December 22, 2006

Week Thirteen
18th December-21st December 2006

That was a frantic week. The game was finished at 5pm on the Thursday. Gareth kindly gave us the Friday off. So the Deadline arrived and I was pretty darn pleased with what we'd achieved. The fact that the thing works at all is quite amazing. The only bugs that came up was a little font problem when we embedded the fonts at the end. So overall I'm really pleased. It looks fantastic so kudos to James, and it works, so Kudos to me!

Here's a link to the final game...
'Belongin' Belonging?'

Well have a great Christmas and remember, methene is bad for the environment, so ditch the sprouts!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Week Twelve
11th December-15th December 2006

Half way through the Flash brief now and things are going pretty well. Had a good meeting with the BBC and nailed down an idea involving a quiz in a kind of Monoply environment. The coding is quite complex because of the strcture of the quiz and how the user interacts with the game. It's coming along though with a bit of help from Neil and the design is looking good on James side. We decided almost immediately to split the coding and design duties straight down the middle and it's working really well....

Here's some tasters of the design..

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Week Eleven
4th December-8th December 2006

We were given our Flash briefs on Tuesday. I've been partnered up with James which is a great oppurtunity to learn a bit of time management skills since James is pretty anal about planning and the like. I think we should make a decent team.

The brief we were given is from the BBC and revolves around their BBC Wales drama series Belonging. Can't say I've ever seen it but it conjures up echoes of Eastenders in the Valleys. The application should look to educate the new viewers and well as entertain them and regular viewers.
Quite a challening brief so lots to get my teeth into....

Monday, December 04, 2006

Week Ten
27thNovember-1st December 2006

Flash training begin this week. Neil Jenkins came down to the training and was excellent. Looking forward to the project, providing I don't have go anyway near he design. For the sake of all things nicely designed, do NOT LET ME NEAR THE DESIGN.


Learned loads of cool tricks this week and Flash is fun to work with. The potential for making funky movies is great. I imagine there'll be some very nice work produced in this Brief.

Can't believe how fast things are flying. Saw the coca-cola xmas ad the other day. A sure sign that Christmas is a comin'. Top tip of the day, avoid town on a Saturday. At all costs. Also thinking of starting a campaign to ban slow, meandering people from shopping. Grrr...