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Week Three
9th-13th October 2006

This week was spent writing and producing our Digital Stories. I decided to tell the story of a Glacier Hike I did in New Zealand in June 2005.

The result is below. I'm pretty pleased with it though I still think it could do with some tweaking and some de-cheesifying. But I'll leave it alone, if only because we've got too much work to have the time to tinker!

The workshop with Catherine Lindstrum was extremely helpful. She helped me see that my story needed to be more personal and needed more detail in order to keep the audiences attention. I struggled to rewrite the script for most of the day but stumble across a wee bit of inspiration and ended up writing the main bulk in around five minutes. The day made me realise that writing a script requires you to be far more open and honest with your story than I imagined.