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Week Seven
6th-10th November 2006

So we're in the second week of the dreamweaver project. So far things are moving forward at a pace. Admittedly not a particularly fast one but who's quibbling...

I'm spending this week attempting to write the CSS for the website. We had a meeting with Phil Murphy of Sequence on Tuesday which was reassuring in that he was happy we were going in the right direction. His comment about our deisgn abilities was particularly amusing 'they could do with a designers touch' being understatement of the day.

So next friday is the big deadline, with both the Mock Up and the Brief due in the same day. I've decided to concentrate solely on the Brief during the day and the mock-up at night. Meaning late nights ahead. But at least I get to draw inspiration from various selections of wines. Put it this way, it can't make my drawings any worse...