Monday, November 27, 2006

Week Nine
20th-25th November 2006

This week has been quite quiet and a nice comedown from the stresses of the previous week. We've been writing Self Evaluations, Group Evaluations and had some training in Sound Design which was good fun. Making bleeps and drum loops into something recognisable is a fun challenge, although better done with the headphones on to avoid enraged D10 neighbours...

We also cut up and remixed some text from Moby Dick a la William Burroughs. What I came up with was a little disturbed, frankly, but involved the rears of hyppos. It will stay safely hidden away on my hard drive...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Week Eight
12th-17th November 2006

Deadline week. Ouch. Well here's the finished (almost) site in all its glory.
Come to Cardiff Bay

It was a late night effort on the Friday to get the content into the site ready for the meeting with sequence at 9am Friday, but it was worth the effort. Phil from sequence seemed quite impressed with mine and Shamim's efforts especially considering the time frame we had. There were a few elements that I would have liked to have implemented, such as a language selector and a Bay Directory, however we simply ran out of time to attempt these. I've learned a lot from this Brief particularly about time management and working within a team structure. Also the fact that we were learning as we worked within a strict time limit was reflective of a real-world environment.

Also due in on Friday was the dreaded Mock-up. Thankfully I was able to get to grips with Illustrator to the extent that I could draw some (shoddy) characters and maps. I quite like the concept of the game, and the central character, Billy Blaze, is a legend harking back to the early 90's gaming. You can't beat a bit of retro. I've uploaded the powerpoint file in case anyone wants to take a peek.
Lunchhour Mockup

So next week is a bit more chilled out, with some debriefing and sound design easing us out of the stress of this week. Marvelous.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Week Seven
6th-10th November 2006

So we're in the second week of the dreamweaver project. So far things are moving forward at a pace. Admittedly not a particularly fast one but who's quibbling...

I'm spending this week attempting to write the CSS for the website. We had a meeting with Phil Murphy of Sequence on Tuesday which was reassuring in that he was happy we were going in the right direction. His comment about our deisgn abilities was particularly amusing 'they could do with a designers touch' being understatement of the day.

So next friday is the big deadline, with both the Mock Up and the Brief due in the same day. I've decided to concentrate solely on the Brief during the day and the mock-up at night. Meaning late nights ahead. But at least I get to draw inspiration from various selections of wines. Put it this way, it can't make my drawings any worse...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Week Six
29th October-4th November 2006

First things first, lets get the Maya brief out the way! Here's my flaming ball of rock in all its glory. Pump up the volume!

So on to the Dreamweaver Brief!

I've been paired up with Shamim and asked to produce a website for a company called Sequence. The site is basically a Tourism guide for the Cardiff Bay area. It needs to attract new visitors but also be useful to people already familiar with the bay.

Here's an outline of the brief...

'Come to Cardiff Bay'

-A fictional site designed to encourage people from Cardiff and elsewhere to come visit the Bay and its features.

-Design a site map, addressing visitors both familiar and unfamiliar with the Bay and addresses the type of tasks they want to achieve, e.g. find out what to do, where to go, where to stay etc.

-Create a design which is both clear and fresh and reflects some landmarks of the Bay.

It must :-

-be accessible to AA standards and have potential to be multi-lingual

-use modern XHTML and CSS techniques

-be conscious of search engine requirements

-be compatible across all major browsers

-be WC3 compatible

-be optimized for quick browser response time

-be scaleable for future content.

So there's the brief! More soon on how its going!